Vastu Consultancy

Vastu Consultancy

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of harmony and prosperous living by eliminating negative and enhancing positive energies around us. It’s a fact that all things in the universe have a level of energy associated with them.

Hence it’s apt to say that all buildings and even the land on which a building is erected has vibrations of energy associated with it.

Deducing from above, it’s easy to visualize that we are constantly bombarded with energies 24×7.

Some energies are positive (with pleasing effects) while others are negative (having terrible effects) on us.

Vastu aims to eliminate negative and enhance positive energy present at a place or location so that a person, family or even business inhabiting a building become prosperous and progressive.

Like many of India’s ancient science and knowledge, vastu shastra also got neglected and received very less attention over centuries, hence today’s fast paced society has very limited or no knowledge of vastu and find it difficult to appreciate and use the benefits of vastu while purchasing/constructing home, office, shop etc.

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